Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Emerging Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Emerging Technology - Research Paper Example She appeals to the high intellectual abilities of both men and women. The thought-provoking ideals make her views clear and convincing. A distinctive writing of Mary entails the use of metaphor. For example, in the first paragraph, she compares the society with a garden in which grass is decaying. In one of her evident rhetorical techniques is literary allusion. In alluding to other great literary sources, Mary demonstrates her extensive knowledge while at the same time showing that she respects her audience (Jacobus 675). In one of her arguments in the rhetoric, she reminds the society the common illusion that women are weaker than their male counterparts are. Citing personal experiences, Wollstonecraft talks about the degradation a woman feels when forced to act as a governess (Jacobus 680). Judith Butler authoredUndoing Gender, a book written with clarity and directness. The book focuses on gender identity and the nature defining sexuality. The major premise put forward in the book is that both arise from socialization and the inherent force of language in the society. The power of language shapes ideas while gender is fluid (Jacobus 739-745). Most psychologists would take most of her premises seriously. In this excerpt, Butler is against the binary view of gender or rather the views that contribute to the classification of humans into a male or a female. As aforementioned, Butler takes great concern in various ways in which language define people and things (Jacobus 775). In some instances, Butler points out that language makes us understand the reality of nature. In addition, she states that we cannot place complete trust in language to reveal complete truth. In the opening pages of her selection, she outlines that she will focus on human based on intelligibility. Sh e defines intelligibility in the context of human love, norms and ways of understanding the modes of truth (Jacobus 750-755). Butler

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