Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay on The Evolution of Speech - 1080 Words

The Evolution of Speech The purpose of this essay is to identify the evolutionary evidence of speech. The articles reviewed in this paper affirm the evidence of evolution of speech. Much is unknown about the evolution of speech, however, fossil evidence points to adaptations for speech appearing between 1.5 million and 500,000 years ago. Fossil evidence for the evolution of speech is shown in the earliest hominins to one of our well known ancestors, the homo erectus. There are differences between bone structure and hard tissues of living modern humans to those of chimpanzees and bonobos (Boer, 2005). Speech is a unique trait that only humans so far have developed. This trait was most likely a prerequisite for the development of culture†¦show more content†¦Figure 1 As seen, the human larynx is lower than that of the apes. The larynx in most mammals is usually located high enough to be used in the nasal passages, enabling simultaneous breathing and swallowing. This development can also be seen in small infants. As humans age, the larynx begins to slowly descend down to its final position in its adult stage, which it reaches in three to four years (Fitch, 2000). A similar descent of the larynx most likely occurred over the course of human evolution. Speech itself cannot be fossilized, however there are anatomical adaptations that are related to speech that have been fossilized. Although the soft tissue of the vocal tract does not fossilize well, there is one bone in the larynx that does fossilize well, the hyoid bone. This bone appears to be the same bone in Neanderthals just as in those found in modern humans (Abry, 1998). Although it is difficult to find evidence of speech, other sources of evidence have become available that demonstrate the ab sence or presence of speech. Increased tongue movements and control are needed for speech and it is expected that the nerves of the tongue and the diaphragm are larger in humans than in of other species, providing help with the articulation of speech (Arby, 1998). As the nerves pass through the canals in skulls, this can be measured by the size of the relevant holes inShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Human Speech1392 Words   |  6 PagesThe Evolution of Human Speech As human we can communicate via our speaking ability to express our feelings, as a way to deliver the message we want another. These articles that I read discuss the anatomical prerequisite for humans to gain the ability to speak such as the absent and present of the air sac in hominids. Morphological changes of the face structure such as the reduced growth of the palate and the descent of the larynx. 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