Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Letter of Reflection (letter to Dean (chair of English department)) Essay

Letter of Reflection (letter to Dean (chair of English department)) - Essay Example My persistence with the work and timely completion of assignments made it possible to catch up with the demanding environment of classes. My inquisitive nature won some good friends in the class and extra attention of teacher. Thanks to the broad smiles of my teachers they always welcomed my questions. This would be unfair if I do not refer here Dr Jones whose interesting and attractive styles made impossible things to understand very easily understandable. This was because of his passionate teaching with the help of pictures and interesting stories that I shun my shyness over a short passage of time and became a lively character in the class. At the end of the course I am thankful to the interactive environment that left a lot of creative techniques in me. 2- Exercises on autobiographies gave me a chance of retrospection on my past experiences and to jot them down in a comprehensive and systematic manner. This was again an impressively good manner of rediscovering an author in myself. 3- Literature analysis essays like the one I did on â€Å"Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen† mad it possible for me to understand how to analyze a text, conceptualize the text, relate it with the plot, and comprehend it from author’s point of view. 5- While analyzing drama of Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice: I have been able to learn the conventions, language, character/plot, tragedy and comedy in a drama. The theater of imagination was the mort important thing that impressed me in this exercise. After having said all above, I would like to submit that my writing skills might have not improved that much had I not been perfectly exposed to a variety of readings on daily basis. The reading habits enriched my ideas on literature and made my ideas more sequential and logical. This habit added volumes of vocabulary into my knowledge that I was never familiar with. I became familiar with the logos in

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